필그림 주니어 예배 | Pilgrim Jr. Worship

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Discussion questions:

• Have you ever seen someone who has joy in very difficult circumstances, like a person who’s very sick but is still kind to others or someone who doesn’t have a lot of things but is grateful for what they do have? What was that person like?
• 몸이 많이 아프지만 여전히 다른 사람에게 친절하거나 혹 가진 것은 적지만 가진 것에 감사하는 것처럼 매우 어려운 상황에서 기쁨을 누리는 사람을 본 적이 있나요? 그 사람은 어땠나요?

• Who is the most joyful person you know in real life? Why do you think so?
• 여러분 주위에 가장 즐거운 사람은 누군가요? 왜 그렇게 생각하나요?

• What can you do if you’re in a situation where you feel like joy is impossible?
• 기뻐하는것이 불가능하다고 느끼는 상황에 있다면 무엇을 할수있을까요?

Music by: Good News Guys, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27aYACpwyIA
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